How to use AI Detection Responsibly

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Understand the Limitations

Results detect similarity to Al written text. They reflect a likelihood of text being written by Al rather than a certainty. As for all detection softwares, false positives are possible.

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Use Human Judgement

AI detection results are designed to assist human judgement, but not replace it. Analysis results provide insight into where to look for AI generated text, and must be manually confirmed.

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Contextualize the Results

Consider writing style, tone, and included evidence in the text to interpret AI detection results in context. Remember that detectors should be only one factor in a holistic assessment of the document's source.

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Use to Spark Conversation

In educational settings, analysis results should be used as a way to spark conversation in the classroom about the nature of AI text and how responsible usage of AI can further learning.

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    Understand the Limitations

    Results detect similarity to Al written text. They reflect a likelihood of text being written by Al rather than a certainty. As for all detection softwares, false positives are possible.

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    Use Human Judgement

    AI detection results are designed to assist human judgement, but not replace it. Analysis results provide insight into where to look for AI generated text, and must be manually confirmed.

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    Contextualize the Results

    Consider writing style, tone, and included evidence in the text to interpret AI detection results in context. Remember that detectors should be only one factor in a holistic assessment of the document's source.

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    Use to Spark Conversation

    In educational settings, analysis results should be used as a way to spark conversation in the classroom about the nature of AI text and how responsible usage of AI can further learning.